About Us
Reloading all day was started in 2014 with the reloading hobbyist in mind. As a new handloader, I could never find enough information on one website covering everything I needed to know. Reloading classes were almost non-existent in my area or were too much money to attend. Moreover, by dealing with these problems at the beginning, I took the plunge by creating this reloading blog. Our team is dedicated to bring you non-biased, factual information about the different gear that one might acquire in their lifetime. We also have some of the best handloading professionals in the community to help with any questions you might have.
By educating new reloaders, it accomplishes our mission by passing on the art of handloading to future generations. It brings us joy knowing that we have helped so many people in the community with handloading and hope that you think of us if you need any assistance with making your own ammo or have questions about certain reloading gear.
Striving to demystify age-old paradigms in internal ballistics research to spread research to future generations keeping the art of handloading alive.
High-quality video instruction on reloading classes for handloaders and consultation of internal ballistics for OEM's.
Two handloading obsessed nerds.
Thoughts of Our Tribe
Jerome Headly
I've been reloading for 3 years now. The videos/tutorials have helped me better understand the steps and why. Because of that, I've been able to remain more consistent, which lead to better groups.
Alex Mojica
Once you message Blake you will not stop and luckily for all of us he still reply’s! When one day I decided to message him for help that day was the best reloading day of my life! He improved my skill 10x better and actually made me understand what I was asking and even would video chat me to teach me and show me where my mistakes where at.
Brendin White
Owner of Lunyx Custom Munitions
The Class was well worth the time and money. I took it to help give customers the best loads possible. After the class was over, it was apparent it was definitely a worthwhile investment. Anyone can take the class and come away with new information. it's honestly a must for anyone that reloads, it'll save you time, money, and energy. 15/10 recommend!
Meet the Squad

Blake Williams (Founder of RAD)
Blake has been writing reloading articles for seven years and helping out within the community to further enhance reloading education. In his free time, he works within the community to help out new hand-loaders by helping them with the many variables that come with this wonderful hobby. His passion is solely based on helping others so that they may pass on that information to future generations, keeping the art of hand-loading alive.
Full-time Job as of December, 2020 after completing a BSBA in Supply Chain Analytics from UMSL, Assistant Technical Ballistician at Shooters World Powders
Lou Smith
Lou has competed in the Precision Rifle and National Rifle Series matches for the last 5 years. He has competed in a finale each of the last two years. Lou is a mechanical engineer and enjoys applying his engineering skills and love for spreadsheets towards shooting sports and reloading for accuracy.
Lou currently reloads for 6 Dasher, 6.5x47, 7 Rem Mag, 7 SAUM, and 308 Win. Lou has competed in several NightForce ELR matches in WY and placed 7th in 2020. He's currently in the process of building a 7x300NM-AI wildcat and hopes to compete with it in 2021.