Hey guys!
Wanted to give you a heads up if you are experiencing any problems with the app on the Android Version.
Android has many different phones with many different screen sizes and lots of different generations. Currently, a lot of you are okay and nothing is happening.
However, there are a few people who have the app that are experiencing crashes.
We are working literally through the night to fix these updates and are getting them out next day.
I would really appreciate it, if you do experience any crashes, to PLEASE REPORT them when you are prompted if you want to report a crash. ALSO, if it allows you to take screenshots or upload videos of the specific crash, it will help us a lot easier and get updates out quicker for you to enjoy the app.
On a side note, the next update is on its way as well. We want to make sure that everyone is all sitting tight and enjoying the app before we move further. Until then, please report all crashes and if you for some reason can't, please contact me on my cell phone or send me an email. You can find that information here.