The Evolution Bipod has been a very versatile tool for my shooting applications. I wanted to find something light enough and durable that could lock out at 45, 90, and 125 degrees, have adjustable length legs, and be user-friendly so that I was able to shoot in many different positions. Luckily, that's when I found that they had the perfect option available for me. However, not only did it have a few of the things I wanted, it packed a lot more features that we will break down here in this article.

• Attaches via adjustable quick-detach Picatinny clamp from American Defense Manufacturing
• 7"-10" Height Measurement Based on Average rifle, from ground level to the bottom of the Stock or Handguard.
• 4" Height with legs at 45 degrees
• Non-rotational legs, and pivots. All aspects of the leg assemblies will be non-rotational.
• Receptacles on the bottom of all legs that accept QD spikes and allow stacking of legs. This really opens up options for leg lengths and accessories.
• Refined main body with the ability to attach a Picatinny rail on the bottom. As well as a flush cup for QD slings etc.
• Removable Legs
• Weighs 13 oz.
• Locking Quick Detach Attachment
• 20 Degree Pivoting Head with lever lock
• Leg Positions 0,45,90 and125 degrees
• Light Carbon Fiber Legs and Accessories
• Spring Loaded Extending Legs
Attachment mechanism
The bipod can come with an RRS SOAR SC-ARC clamp that allows you to attach via Arca and Piccatiny at the same time. When running multiple different setups for different applications, this was a very big feature for me. Further, when locking the bipod in it uses a traditional lever-style padlock to level up and lock things in versus a knob or dial that can be cumbersome at times.
When needing to adjust the position of the bipod, you can simply flip the lever open and easily glide the bipod anywhere you need it to be for your shooting needs. This is great, especially when not having to remove the whole bipod to simply change the position to where it needs to be.
The attachment head also allows for the bipod to pivot 20 degrees with a sturdy locking mechanism to keep things in place at all times. With my rifle being around 20 pounds, it fully supports the weight without any issues that I've come across so far.
Bipod Legs
Now, one of the coolest parts of this bipod was being able to adapt to different length legs. Yes, you can do that. The carbon fiber legs have a QD mechanism that allows you to quickly change the length of the legs on the fly for different shooting applications. Further, if you find that the options offered aren't long enough, the legs are so versatile that you can actually attach them together. I have not done this yet, however, knowing if in a situation where I need the extra length, this is a great feature. The current options listed for lengths are: 7-10", 8-11", 10-14", 12-19", 16-23", and 22-29".
For most individuals not sure what length to get, I would recommend 8-11" or 10-14" for most general shooting applications. For those who are shooting from kneeling or sitting positions, you would want 22-29" legs.
The feet of the bipod are spring-loaded, which is a pretty nice feature. If you do not like the rubber-style feet, Evolutions also offers spiked feet that will work with the bipod as well.
Overall, I am really impressed with how versatile this bipod is. Having the option to quickly change the length of the bipod, the position, and being able to mount it on Picatinny and Arca attachments has been a game changer for myself and made itself one of the most favorite bipods that I can use now for different shooting applications.
As always, shoot straight, be safe, and happy reloading! If you liked this article and think it was worth $1, please consider donating:

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